'Up-Flusher' is a catchy term we use to describe a macerating toilet system that flushes up against gravity.
he word 'Macerate' means; to soften or break into pieces.
Our Saniflo macerating systems use a rotating cutting blade to liquefy human waste and toilet paper. That when mixed with flushing water, the slurry is pumped into a sanitary sewer. Specified units have a grinder Blades that can occasionally
accept disposal of sanitary items.
Installing a complete bathroom almost any where, has never been easier. Even in the basement. No need for expensive digging, structural change, or large pipe work. In comparison to conventional toilets, an up-flusher toilet system simply installs in less time and effort, for less money.
Environmentally Friendly: Using less water than any conventional normal toilet system, The Sanicompact and Sanistar models use only 1 gallon of water per flush. .
Ecology Wise: The macerator could be seen as a primary sewage treatment system and a septic tank and/or municipal sewage treatment system as a secondary treatment system. As the solids enter a sewage system in a liquefied state, they reduce the time and work done by anaerobic bacteria.
Macerating Units: Saniplus, Sanitop, Sanipack, sanicompact...
While most of the Saniflo models are Macerators, that use a rotating cutting blade to basically shred and liquefy human waste and toilet paper, Think of a blender. Macerators are not designed to receive sanitary product or other foreign object such as Q-tips, condoms, paper towel or sanitary napkins, as they will cause blockages. Macerating unit's, are ideal for residential applications.
Grinding Systems: Sanibest Pro, Sanigrind Pro, Sanicubic and sanicubic 2.
Grinding systems and Macerating units have basically the same operations. Grinding units however have Grinder Blades. Where metal rotors cut down and force waste through its grinding plate. These grinding systems can occasionally
accept disposal of sanitary items
(Ex: tampons, condoms, cotton swabs) These grinding systems are ideal for commercial applications and situations where you can not control the use, such as rentals, offices or warehouses, however wonderful for residential use as well.
Grey Water Transfer Pumps are used to evacuate or pump away dirty water that does not contain fecal matter, such as from a shower, sink or laundry tub. These Grey water pumps vary in pumping capacity. The Sanishower is the smallest, ideal for showers and small lavatories. The new SaniSwift has a nice cosmetic appeal and is a little quieter then the heavy duty unit the Sanivite. The Saniswift is perfect for mini bars, laundry tubs or for washing machines. The Sanivite, can handle large capacity of liquids such as a kitchen sink, bathtub, laundry tub or washing machine, dishwasher or even a small hot tub. These pumps allow the installation of additional facilities in existing rooms, where other wise might have been difficult. Please note: For toilet waste, you must use an upflusher toilet system, which can also accommodate lavatories, shower, bathtub and yes even the kitchen sink.
All Saniflo Systems come with a 2 Year Manufacture Warranty. It does not cover labor for removal or re-installations, travel fees or cleaning fees associated with warranty repair. Certain installation conditions do apply, and are diligently checked while processing warranty claims. Some examples of these installation conditions would be: No vent or not properly vented, incorrect discharge pipe size and or distance. Signs of abuse will void the warranty.
For more info on Saniflo products and the warranty, Please visit the manufacturers website
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A few years ago a nationally recognized laboratory tested the Saniplus system for 50,000 cycles.
Flushed 10 x a day = 3650 x a year = 13.69 years lifetime. As this is a standard test, it was stopped after 50,000 cycles. As such it may last much longer.
The unit's durability has everything to do with proper installation and use. The unit's piping needs to be properly vented, per the installation manual and local plumbing codes. The discharge pipe must be in accordance to the installation manual, respecting necessary slopes and runs. The unit must not be abused. The unit will handle very large amounts of human waste and toilet paper. Foreign object such as Paper towel, Q-tips, Tooth picks, Sanitary napkins, etc. Will eventually block and damage a macerating unit. Grinding units will handle those items with much more success and longevity.
An Up-Flusher Toilet System is obviously higher in price when comparing to a regular conventional toilet. However, the greatly reduced installation time, costs and flexibility, makes an Up-Flusher Toilet System an economical and viable alternative. These fairly quite pumps allow the installation of additional facilities almost anywhere, where it may not have been otherwise accessible or even financially feasable. Not only can all the plumbing be placed above the existing floor, the pipes are very small in diameter and can be placed neatly in front of any wall, without involving major construction work, saving you time, and saving you money.
D.I.Y... You Can Do It. It is quite possible for an above average do-it-yourselfer to install an Up-Flusher Toilet System or Grey Waste Water Transfer Pump. However, there are government and municipal plumbing codes and standards that need to be respected. Therefore we suggest that a licensed and insured trade professional install the system for you. Making sure they read and fully understood the installation manual. Every sale of an Up-Flusher Toilet system or Grey Water transfer Pump comes with free telephone support and troubleshooting. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions.
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